- It would be cool to have something similar to sketchfab (3d model website) for custom facerig models. I don't even know if the community can make these but either way it would be cool. If not to have it in the game itself and access it through the internet and port it over in the game itself too.
- Live2D avatars can become FaceRig avatars, if they meet several characteristics. FaceRig uses the.mocand.jsonfiles of the Live2D avatar, along with the subfolderholding the Live2D textures. These textures must be dimensioned by the power of two, in order to work in.
- The FaceRig Live2D Module brings the amazing Live2D Cubism technology to FaceRig, enabling hand-drawn avatars that move and behave as if they were 3D while keeping all the aspects that make hand-drawn 2D avatars special.
- Facerig 3D models ready to view, buy, and download for free.
- Facerig Avatars Download
- Facerig Avatars For Sale
Awesome folks,
To create your own custom FaceRig 3D avatar you need to respect the requirements from our documentation.
Starbound Free Avatars for FaceRig. A Hylotl, an Apex, a Floran, an Avian, a Glitch and a Novakid are now available. Requires the base application FaceRig on Steam in order to run.
You can find all the necessary documentation using this direct link:

We’ve also made a Step-by-step Tutorial showcasing our process and highlighting the importer specific parts:
Facerig Avatars Download
NOTE: This video is a GUIDE that walks you through the steps of creating and importing a custom model into FaceRig. This is not a 3D art tutorial per se. You can find loads of tutorials online for every single 3D art step shown here. During the course of the guide we will point out certain FaceRig specific settings that must not be omitted .
We’ve added Chibi Theo in FaceRig Classic. And created a skin for him so you guys can test it through the importer (:
You can find the files for Chibiborg here:
Another example can be found here:
We’ve added a New Custom Model Import Wizard ( tool for modders) 😀
This should help content creators as it provides a lot more transparency, control and feedback for the entire custom model import process. You can find this tool in :
Facerig Avatars For Sale
[Steam library folder ] FaceRigBinToolsImportWizardNew”
[Steam library folder ] FaceRigBinToolsImportWizardNewHowToUseImportWizard.pdf”
Note that the old one is still available. Both importers will run in parallel.
However the old importer tool isn’t supported anymore and the documentation for the old importer isn’t available anymore.
The main difference between the new and old importer is the way it handles animations.
The old version relies on certain bone names and specific animation relations that could not be updated with ease. The new importer tool requires animations as FaceRig needs them but it gives the liberty to choose the bone hierarchy. It also enables us to keep up to date the features exposed to the community artists.
The data will mainly require collada and targa files. The big difference with this new version is that it is organized differently.
How to use the importer wizard:
If you have any questions, you can contact us at artsupport[at]holotech[dot]eu