Official Debian packages with high relevance
Slicer-program for kommandolinjen til 3D-udskrivning Maintainer: Debian 3-D Printing Packages(Christoph Berg) | License: DFSG free |
CuraEngine er et C++-konsolprogram til 3D-udskrivning af GCode-oprettelse.Det er lavet som et bedre og hurtigere alternativ til den gamleSkeinforge-motor. |
ICP alignment and Poisson based merging of multiple range maps is now possible within MeshLab. Another important development of MeshLab 1.1.0 is the added support for output in the compressed U3D format. This format also allows the creation of captivating PDF documents with embedded interactive 3D objects using LaTeX. MeshLab is an open source program for editing 3D triangle mesh files in various formats. It is used in 3D scanning and virtual reality applications. 4.1.3 exercises. While there are command-line applications (like VSFM) for photogrammetry, installing is not for the faint of heart (see eg. This for Ubuntu).The notebook linked at the start of this chapter uses Meshroom from AliceVision as a command-line interface to a Google-provided GPU, and is worth exploring. Description You can download MirrorMe for Adobe Illustrator CS6-CC 1.2.2 from our software library for free. This tool was originally developed by Astute Graphics Limited. The software lies within Photo & Graphics Tools, more precisely Viewers & Editors. Artlantis Studio is a 3D animation and virtual panoramas creation tool for macOS, that aims at helping architects, space planners, and designers express their ideas through high quality renditions. The app’s features are organized around various tabs and panels, so finding your way around is fairly intuitive.
Meshlab System for behandling og redigering af triangulære mesh'er Maintainer: Debian Science Team(Ryan Pavlik) | License: DFSG free |
MeshLab er et system udviklet i åben kildekode, der kan flyttes og udvides for behandling og redigering af ustrukturerede 3D-triangulære mesh'er. Systemet er lavet for at hjælpe i behandlingen af de typisk ikke så små ustrukturerede modeller, der opstår i 3D-skanning. Det tilbyder et sæt af værktøjer for redigering, oprydning, rensning, inspektion, optegning og konvertering af denne slags mesh'er. MeshLab kan læse filer i disse formater: PLY, STL, OFF, OBJ, 3DS, COLLADAand PTX. It can write PLY, STL, OFF, OBJ, 3DS, COLLADA, VRML og DXF. Please cite: MeshLab: an Open-Source Mesh Processing Tool.(2008) |
Repsnapper STL til GCode-konverteringsprogram og udskrivningsprogram for RepRap-maskiner | Popcon: 7 users (3 upd.)* | License: DFSG free |
En RepRap er en 3D-printer: En maskiner som kan udskrive 3-dimensionelleplastikobjekter fra en computermodel. Repsnapper kan konvertere STL, somkan oprettes med de fleste 3D-tegneprogrammer såsom Blender, til GCode, somRepRap kan forstå. Programmet kan også bruges til at sende resultatet tilRepRapen. |
Skeinforge | Popcon: 0 users (0 upd.)* | License: DFSG free |
Denne pakke er en overgangspakke. Den kan fjernes igen. |
Meshlab 1.2.2 For Mac Os
Slic3r Maintainer: Debian 3-D Printing Packages(Sebastian Ramacher) | License: DFSG free |
Slic3r konverterer digitale 3D-modeller til udskrivningsinstruktioner(G-kode) for din 3D-printer. Den skærer modellen i vandrette skiver(lag), opretter værktøjsstier til at udfylde dem og beregner mængden afmateriale der skal ekstruderes. Slic3r understøtter inddata i formaterne STL, AMF og OBJ og kan vise G-kode for flere serier af 3D-printere, inklusive RepRap, Ultimaker,Makerbot samt SVG-filer for DLP-printere. Kan bruges med en grafisk grænseflade, eller i jobtilstand viakommandolinjen. |
No known packages available
Meshlab 1.3.2 For Mac
Meshlab 1.2.2 For Mac Installer
Creation-workshop | License: non-free Debian package not available |
Creation Workshop is a Slicer and host controller application for yourSLA/DLP printer. It works on Windows, Mac & Linux. It can also hostFDM/FFF 3d printers.It allows you to load models, generate supports, slice, & controlyour printer. |
Meshlab Mac
Ivcon | License: unknown Debian package not available |
IVCon is an executable C++ program that can read and write a varietyof 3D graphics file formats, converting from one to the other. This is extended version of John Burkardt's great, but buggy tool.It Supports many 3D formats, and a lot of 3D scene elements. Supported formats include 3DS, ASE, BYU, DXF, GMOD, HRC, IV, OBJ, OFF,POV, SMF, STL/STLA/STLB, TEC, TRI/TRIA/TRIB, UCD, VLA, WRL/VRML, XGLand more. The program supports many elements of 3D scene, but specific convertersmay not support all of them. There are two possible reasons of that: oneis that the support is not fully programmed inside this tool, second isthat the format may not have possibilities to support the item. Goodexample is the ASC format - which is an ASCII cloud of vertices, andsupports only bare points in 3D space. |