Huawei E3372 Change Imei

How to change IMEI on a Huawei modem and why, we will analyze it in detail in the article. This procedure is rather scrupulous. The reasons for this procedure may be different. The most common is the desire to use a SIM card designed for a smartphone in a modem. Without changing the original imei, this is not possible.

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What is IMEI? ?

IMEI is a 15-digit device identification number by which it can be recognized and tracked. Thanks to IMEI, the SIM card recognizes which device it is in and may not work if it is designed for other equipment.

Entering AT commands via PuTTy

Huawei E3372 Pdf

AT commands control certain functions of the device. These are several teams consisting of not long series of lines of letters and numbers. A certain number of special series of text strings forms an operation command for the modem: connection, data transfer, or changing the connection format. For the modem to recognize the necessary commands, for their input there is a special system. For the modem to recognize the command, you must:

  • register each command starting with “AT”;
  • if there are more than two commands, press Enter after each;
  • carry out the procedure with the modem in “command mode”.

AT commands can be entered using special terminals. For Huawei wireless modems, the PuTTy terminal program is best suited.

PuTTy is a free software for which users just need to download it. PuTTy gives you the ability to log remotely.

How to use PuTTy correctly

  1. Before you start working with the terminal, you first need to download it from the client’s official website. Use a familiar browser. The download procedure is free;
  2. Unzip and open the program;
  3. Connect the device to the computer;
  4. Enter the IP address of the server you are working with;
  5. In the “Translation” section, change the encoding so that all characters are displayed readable;
  6. Choose the encoding UTF-8;
  7. Install standard port 22 and press “OPEN”;
  8. A window pops up in which you need to confirm and agree with further work with the program;
  9. Enter your username and password and press Enter. When entering a password, this action is not displayed for security purposes;

Everything is ready and you can get to work.

Huawei E3372h-153 Change Imei


Huawei E3372 Change Imei Number


How to find out Huawei IMEI modem and firmware version


To change IMEI on a Huawei modem, you need to know the firmware version and IMEI itself. Usually this information is on the device’s packaging, but since many immediately get rid of unnecessary boxes, you need to look for information elsewhere. You can also see the information on the device’s sticker..

In order to find out the IMEI modem and the firmware version through a computer, you should follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Connect the modem to the computer and install the appropriate software;
  2. In the “Start”, select “Computer” and click on the “Management” command. Next, open Device Manager. You can also call Device Manager using the WIN + R key combination and entering the command – mmc devmgmt.msc;
  3. Select the “Models” item and find the model of the Huawei router by right-clicking on it and selecting “Properties”;
  4. In the pop-up window, select the “Diagnostics” section;
  5. In this section, click “Interrogate modem” and get the necessary information.

Enter unlock code via AT commands?

Before changing the IMEI of the Huawei modem, unlock the device’s system. Let’s look at an example of entering a code for unlocking using PuTTy software. To do this, follow all the instructions from the instruction on using this program.

  1. We configure all the necessary indicators and click “Connection”;
  2. After that, we prescribe a series of numbers and letters – AT ^ CARDLOCK = “72033153”;
  3. Enter the command to check the lock AT ^ CARDLOCK ?;

If a line appears in the window – “^ CARDLOCK 2.10,0”, then the lock is released and the equipment is ready to use any SIM cards in it.

How to enter an AT command through DC Unlocker?

The unlock code can be entered using the DC Unlocker terminal. To do this, download the updated version of the program on your computer and install it. Connect the device to the computer and open the program. In the window, click on the icon in the form of a magnifying glass. Thus, the terminal itself will determine all the necessary information for unlocking. You just have to enter the code to unlock it – AT ^ CARDLOCK = “nck code”.

Keep in mind that the number of entries is limited, so be careful when typing a command, because after all attempts have been completed, it will be impossible to unlock by simply writing the code.


Huawei E3372 Change Imei Reset

What to do if DC Unlocker does not detect the modem and does not see the COM port?

In the case when DC Unlocker cannot “see” the modem and the COM port, you need to sort out the reasons that contribute to this:

  • check the modem software; it should not be open. When running in the background, it also communicates with a COM port, which may interfere with DC Unlocker;
  • close all processes occurring using the software. You can do this in the Task Manager;

If this does not solve the problem, there is a way to achieve the desired result. To do this, download the firmware specifically for the modem model from the official website on the Internet. Run the firmware after closing DC Unlocker. At the firmware stage, which will require the Flash code, do not enter it, but simply close or cancel the firmware. At this point, the firmware should determine the COM port. Open DC Unlocker and repeat all the steps, everything should work out.

An alternative way to change Have on Huawei modems

Alternative ways to replace the IMEI modem of Huawei are the same actions, but using other software terminals. The course of action is not significantly different. Each program has its own interface and principle of operation, but the essence remains the same. In any case, you must first use AT-commands to unlock access to the system settings of the modem and only then configure as you need. Depending on the purpose of changing the IMEI on the modem.