Microsoft Word For Mac 2016 Convert Simplified Chinese To Traditional

You can successfully convert both Simplified (简体) and Traditional (繁體) Chinese characters into Pinyin, so you’re not limited to just one set of characters. Click the Word menu, or the menu for the Office application you opened, and then select Preferences. Under Authoring and Proofing Tools, click East Asian Languages. Select Japanese, Simplified Chinese, or Traditional Chinese. You'll be prompted to restart the Office application to apply the change. Let you import and convert multiple PDF files at one time. Or simply convert any particular pages (for example, 1,5-10,12 or all pages) to save your time. User Friendly It takes only 3 steps to convert a PDF to Word. Built-in PDF Reader is a good way to view a batch of PDFs within the app. Fast Convert a 100-page PDF file within a minute. It's weird that I cannot use the services 'convert Text from Simplified to Traditional Chinese' in word for Mac 2011 on Mac OS 10.8.2, but this service can be used in all Mac applications such as textedit and pages. This service works fine in OS 10.7.5. Do you have simplified Chinese language patch and traditional C hinese patch? If you had the two language patch, we can directly use 'Simplified' commend in 'Review“ Tab. If you did not have them, we can buy them in Microsoft official website.

  1. Microsoft Word For Mac 2016 Convert Simplified Chinese To Traditional Ira
  2. Microsoft Word For Mac 2016 Convert Simplified Chinese To Traditional Style
  3. Microsoft Word For Mac 2016 Convert Simplified Chinese To Traditional Cultures

Chinese and Cantonese Input Method User Guide

If you have a trackpad, you can use the Trackpad to write Simplified or Traditional Chinese characters, punctuation, and emoji with your finger. You can also use the Handwriting - Cantonese input source to write Cantonese, punctuation, and emoji with your finger. As you write Chinese or Cantonese, macOS learns your word choices and presents you with more accurate options in the Candidate bar.

After you set up a Handwriting input source, when the Trackpad Handwriting window is active, macOS recognizes strokes as you draw them on the trackpad. The window shows matching characters and punctuation symbols in a single row on top, with the closest match in the upper-left corner.

  1. On your Mac, click the Input menu in the menu bar, then choose the Handwriting input source you added. Optionally, press Control-Shift-Space bar.

    If your Mac has a Touch Bar, and you customized the Control Strip by adding the Handwriting button , tap the button to open the Trackpad Handwriting window. To learn how to change the Control Strip, see Customize the Touch Bar.

    Note: When the Trackpad Handwriting window is open, you can’t see or move the pointer on the screen. To use the pointer without closing the window, press the Esc (Escape) key.

  2. In an app, click where you want the characters to appear in a document (so you see the insertion point).

  3. Use your finger to draw a character or a punctuation symbol on the trackpad.

    • You can draw as many characters as you can fit in the Trackpad Handwriting window. Stroke order doesn’t matter and cursive writing is also supported.

    • If you draw a Simplified Chinese character while you’re using a Traditional Chinese input source, the candidate bar displays possible corresponding Traditional Chinese characters.

    • To list commonly used punctuation symbols, quickly tap the trackpad to draw a dot.

    • Half-width punctuation is marked by the text .

    • To draw emoji, draw the expression surrounded by a circle.

  4. To select a character or symbol that matches your strokes, tap the trackpad in the location that corresponds with where the item appears in the candidate bar (or use the Touch Bar).

    • If there are more items in the list, scroll the candidate bar by swiping two fingers on the trackpad, then select the best candidate.

    • If you still don’t see the item you want, tap the Delete button in the upper-right corner of the Trackpad Handwriting window or press the Delete key on the keyboard. Then, try writing the item again. If you have drawn multiple characters, you can delete each one, going from right to left. You can also press and hold the Delete button to clear the entire window.

  5. When you select a candidate, macOS anticipates what you will draw next and presents options in the candidate bar. You can do any of the following:

    • Select an option from the candidate bar, scrolling as necessary.

    • Draw your next character or punctuation symbol.

    • Press the Space bar to add a space.

    • Press the Return key to begin writing on the next line.

  6. To close the Trackpad Handwriting window, press Control-Shift-Space bar or press Esc twice.

If you use multiple trackpads at the same time (for example, a built-in trackpad and an external trackpad), the Trackpad Handwriting window automatically resizes based on the active trackpad.

Microsoft Word For Mac 2016 Convert Simplified Chinese To Traditional Ira

See alsoUse the Candidate window to type Chinese or Cantonese on MacUse the Touch Bar on Mac


KaiTi is a Simplified Chinese font.

File nameSimkai.ttf
Styles & WeightsKaiTi
Copyright© Beijing ZhongYi Electronics Co., 1995-2005, All rights reserved
Font vendorZYEC
Script Tagsdlng:'Hans'
slng:'Bopo', 'Cyrl', 'Grek', 'Hani', 'Hans', 'Hira', 'Hrkt', 'Jpan', 'Kana', 'Latn'
Code pages1252 Latin 1
936 Chinese: Simplified chars--PRC and Singapore
Fixed pitchFalse

Licensing and redistribution info

  • Font redistribution FAQ for Windows
  • License Microsoft fonts for enterprises, web developers, for hardware & software redistribution or server installations

Products that supply this font

Product nameFont version
Windows 10See the Windows 10 page.
Windows 8.1See the Windows 8.1 page.
Windows 8See the Windows 8 page.
Windows 7See the Windows 7 page.
Windows Vista5.01
Windows XP2.00
Windows 20002.00
Windows Server 20085.01
Windows Server 20032.00

This typeface is also available within Office applications. For more information visit this page.

Microsoft word for mac 2016 convert simplified chinese to traditional cultures

Microsoft Word For Mac 2016 Convert Simplified Chinese To Traditional Style

Style & weight examples

Microsoft Word For Mac 2016 Convert Simplified Chinese To Traditional Cultures
