Pf Lee Enfield Serial Numbers


  1. Enfield Serial Number Year
  2. Lee Enfield Serial Number Lookup

Enfield Serial Number Year

I made a trade for the action and barrel of an Enfield 1918 SMLE MKIII., Serial Number O 4477. According to the markings it was rebarreled in 1921 in England and the barrel serial number forced matched to the receiver. It is marked G.R. It was sold out service, unknown year, marked.303 2.22″. The barrel was tested to 18+ TONS. The same serial number sequences were often used by different makers, and on different series of firearms, so a serial number, e.g. A2785, may have been applied to a Lee-Metford rifle, Lee-Enfield cavalry carbine and Lee-Enfield rifle, all produced at the same factory, Enfield. Bayonet serial numbers are usually those of the rifle with which it.


Lee Enfield Serial Number Lookup

German Manufacturing Codes of Occupied Countries during World War 2
These codes may be found on various wartime small arms manufactured in Nazi-occupied Europe during WW2. The following makers' codes are noted on some bayonet blades and scabbards, it is quite possible that they may also appear on firearms and related components. Two Swiss codes are noted. Switzerland was not an occupied country but Germany placed contracts with some factories there.
Such examples of items produced in the occupied European countries are fairly rare, and obviously a good find for any collector who can locate and recognise them. All one needs to do is remember them, or list the particular codes, when looking through Kar98k Mauser bayonet blades and the like, in collections, or for sale by dealers. Their values are perhaps 50%, maybe even 100% more than for a regular German manufacturer. The following codes are most likely to have been marked in lower case rather than capital letters as indicated below. e.g. 'ch', 'gsb'. 'kfk', 'mpr' &c.
C.H. F.N. Browning K.F.K. Danish G.S.B. Belgian K.S.B. French G.S.C. Belgian
K.W.H. Fiat G.V.Y. Swiss M.P.R. Swiss J.W.H. Chatteralaut (French)