Destiny 2 Clan Banner Creator

If you already have a group of players ready to play together in Destiny 2, then you are ready to create your own clan on Bungie’s website. You will need to have a account. Clan Destiny Profile Name Clan stats and rewards The 'Season 4 XP' represents your total personal clan contribution. If you are registered then Charlemagne has saved your contributions to your clan each week since you registered. If you are NOT registered, then she will only display the current week's total data.

  • Wage war against other clans in Destiny 2 and battle your way to the top of the Destiny 2 clan leaderboard. 5% for each different gun (Range 100% to 500%) Creator.
  • Clans have a much larger role in Destiny 2. Players can form clans that include up to 100 Guardians, and create custom clan banners for their clans. Additionally, using Guided Games, clan members can assist players with a variety of activities through matchmaking, such as normal-level Raids.
  • Making a Clan Banner tomorrow with my Clanmates is easily the most excited I've been looking forward to Destiny 2. Misc I just want to start by saying my clan is a very small, but close one.

Creating a Clan and Admin Settings

Creating a Clan
Players can create a new Clan in the Destiny Companion which will designate them as the Clan Founder of the newly created Clan.

-To create a Clan, players should use the “Create Clan” button on the Clans page
-During the Clan creation process, the Clan Founder can set the Clan Name, Motto, and Mission Statement
-Once the Clan is created, the Clan Founder will be able to edit the Clan Name, Motto, and Mission Statement, as well as set the Clan Banner, change the Clan settings, and other Clan management tasks
-Clans must have a total of at least 2 members for the Clan, Clan Roster, and Clan Banner to show up in Destiny 2 and for the Clan members to begin earning Clan XP


Clan Admin Settings
The Clan Founders and Clan Admins can access their Clan Settings page to manage their Clan in the Destiny Companion.

Culture Fields: Edit the Clan Name, Motto, and Mission Statement
General Settings (Clan Founder Only): Edit the permissions for Admins, Clan Join options, Guided Games participation options, New Member ranks, and Clan Language
Edit Banner: Set the color and design of the Clan Banner
Invitations: Review or revoke Clan invitations
Banned: Ban or un-ban Clan members

Clan Enrollment and Membership
The Clan Founder can set the clan enrollment in the Destiny Companion.

Approval Required: If this enrollment option is chosen, players that use the request to join button will need to have their join request approved by the Clan Founder or a Clan Admin before they will be added to the Clan
Open Membership: If this enrollment option is chosen, players that use the request to join button will automatically be accepted into the Clan
Invite Only: If this enrollment option is chosen, the Clan Founder or Clan Admins will have to send invites to players before they can be accepted into the clan and any players that use the request to join button will receive a message that the Clan is closed to new members
Inviting Players: Clan Founders and Clan Admins can invite players to the Clan in Destiny 2 and in the Destiny Companion
Processing Join Requests: Clan Founders and Clan Admins can accept or deny requests to join the Clan in the Destiny Companion
Membership Limit: Total membership for all Clans is capped at 100 Destiny accounts
Multi-Platform Clans: Members of a Clan can be on any platform, however players that have joined the Clan on multiple platforms will have each Destiny account on a different platform count towards the 100 member limit

Destiny 2 Clan Banner Creator Download

Managing Members
The Clan Founders and Clan Admins can manage the Clan roster from the Clan Settings page in the Destiny Companion.

-Clan Founders can promote members to Clan Admins or demote them
-Clan Founders can designate a Clan Admin to become the new Clan Founder
-Clan Founders can set Admin permissions and settings
-Clan Founders and Clan Admins (if settings permit) can promote or demote members to the rank of Member or Beginner
-Clan Founders and Clan Admins (if settings permit) can kick or ban Clan members
-Clan Founders and Clan Admins (if settings permit) can invite or accept pending join requests

Destiny 2 Clan Finder

Destiny 2 Clan Banner Creator

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