Call us toll free: +1 888-744-0066. Updated Warranty and Returns Policy, Effective 20 August 2020. Norinco Jw 14 Manual Safety Like Model M-201C a civilian version of the Type 54 also chambered in 919mm with the addition of a manual safety like. Gundex: Norinco JW-21 Norinco JW-21 January 2010 The Norinco JW-21 is a Chinese copy of the Winchester 9422 Legacy, with a tang safety and a pistol grip stock.

- Norinco Jw 21 Rifle Manual Lever action manual. Shooting rifles 22 Long rifles & other shooting rifles Carabine 22lr 22 Lr NORINCO JW21 Lever action rifle. +33 (0)3 21 34 30 47. Browse the large selection of JW-15 products offered by Numrich Gun Parts.
- The Norinco JW-20 in semi-automatic sporting rifle is an ideal firearm designed specially for hunting. This rifle employs a quick disassembly and assembling construction. It can be disassembled into two parts of the barrel and the rifle body, which are packed in the box for convenient carry. When you need to fire your rifle, the barrel and the rifle body can be quickly assembled into a rifle.

Norinco Jw 21 Rifle Manual Lever

Norinco Jw 21 Rifle Manual 22
Hi guys
I have a Norinco JW 23 ( ? ) that I bought new about 15 years ago.
Shoots ok with 40 grain projectiles, never grouped the lighter 30 (?) projectiles anywhere near as well
@cambo did a write up afew years ago that inspired me to polish the bolt, and generally do what I could to get it shooting better. Action is glass bedded. Barrel floated. I tried a pressure point on the barrel, made no difference.
Shoots about 1.5 to 1.7 MOA with the 40’s.
I know that the 22 mag isn’t an inherently accurate round, but what level of accuracy would you expect ?
Now as I have 2 22’s and a 223, the magnum hasn’t left the safe in a couple of years.
Am I chasing shadows ?
Is it worth chopping the barrel to 18” and running a suppressor ?