Manual Library / Tascam
Four Track Reproducer / Recorder (1982)
Tascam; 38; Tascam 38. Below you will found our manuals on the Tascam 38. The 38 was first manufactured in 1982. The service manual functions as a repair guide for troubleshooting and sometimes contains tips for refurbishing and modifications. The schematic is a technical drawing or diagram of your system, a perfect supplement to the Service. This is my Tascam 38, which I call “Bruder” (custom nameplate coming soon). I use a Tascam MX-80 line/mic preamp rack to drive the channel inputs. As an aside, the MX-80 is a surprisingly good unit, with noise specs that are just fine for tape, and it can drive most sources into tape saturation (at. Download Free Tascam 38 Manual Tascam 38 Manual This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this tascam 38 manual by online. You might not require more get older to spend to go to the ebook establishment as competently as search for them. In some cases, you likewise pull off not discover the revelation tascam 38. Manual Library / Tascam. 1/2 inch Tape 8-Track Recorder / Reproducer (3 reviews) Description. No matter how elaborate a multichannel tape recorder is, it doesn't do the job without help. A lot of equipment is involved, and a lot of talent as well. The recorder becomes the keystone in a system that involves microphones, mixers.
Track system: 4-track, 4-channel, stereo/multi channel system
Tascam Da-38 Manual Pdf
Heads: 2 x record/playback, 1 x erase
Motor: 2 x reel, 1 x capstan
Reel size: up to 10.5 inch reel
Equalization: NAB
Tape speeds: 7 1⁄2 15 ips
Wow and flutter: 0.06% (15 ips)
Frequency response: 40Hz to 22kHz (15 ips)
Signal to Noise Ratio: 68dB
Total harmonic distortion: 0.8%
Crosstalk: 50dB
Input: 300mV (line)
Output: 0.3V (line)
Dimensions: 410 x 461 x 256mm
Weight: 20kg
Year: 1982
operation/maintenace manual (low res) - idealist
operation/maintenance manual (pt1) - Ghigo73
service supplement - Ghigo73
Tascam Open Reel Tape Decks
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Reviewed Nov 05th, 2019 by NICHOLAS REYNOLDS
The best professional tape recorder. Very reliable. Sound quality: perfect.
Good luck to the repair!
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